

Seoul, Korea

Joined on 4/10/04

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SamBakZa's News

Posted by SamBakZa - April 6th, 2024

Hi Newgrounds!

A few years ago, I made another episode of the "There She Is!!" series, and premiered it here. Then, after some tweaking, I released it on YouTube a few days ago. I just finished adding subtitles. So I'm posting it here for you.

I wanted to upload it to Newgrounds.com as well, since it's kind of the spiritual home of "There She Is!!", but alas, the copyright issues with the music were never fully resolved. I'll upload it here as soon as everything is resolved so I can leave a trail.

Dedicated with gratitude to all those who remember "There She Is!!". 



Posted by SamBakZa - June 8th, 2021

Someone told me there is "Friday Night Funkin' There She Is!! mod"

WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .... It's so cute and high quality. I love it.

Thank you to everyone who made it.

Skin :


Korean mod :



Posted by SamBakZa - May 28th, 2021


I started selling DVDs produced through IndieGOGO crowdfunding.

Now you can order "There She Is!!" DVD, Artbook, T-shirt, and illustrated postcards.(T-shirts are almost out of stock.)


Shop SamBakZa : https://shopsambakza.net

You don't have to join the website. You will be able to order as a guest.

It can take 4~5 days to ship after ordering because I proceed with the packaging by myself. Please understand.

Sales until June 10th.

It's not a good time to ship overseas because of COVID-19. Shipping fee is expensive and there are many countries where shipping is impossible. Therefore, this sale is only for a short period of time. I will resume it when the pendemic is over.

Country Available for Shipping

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Brazil (CPF needed)
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • China
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • Japan
  • Luxembourg
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands (exclude Antillen, Aruba)
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Singapore
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States (exclude Hawaii)


Posted by SamBakZa - August 25th, 2020

I have to say thank you Newgrounds.com.

I will always support Newgrounds.com.

Thank you so much Tom and all crew.

Also I love you all NG users.

Please forgive me for not answering all the messages and comments.

The private message I couldn't read seems like 1K. I promise I will read all.

It was like a dream. The animator turns to the desk.

See you next time.



Posted by SamBakZa - August 21st, 2020

The premiere was over. I feel great you love "another step" and Jjintta brothers!!

Thank you for all your comments full of praise and cheers. Thank you for saying 'worth the wait'. I love you all.



Posted by SamBakZa - August 20th, 2020

"There She Is!! another step" premiere is on screening!! It will be closed tomorrow. Don't miss it!!

https://patreon.com/sambakza (for all audience)

"떳다 그녀!! another step" 시사회가 상영중입니다. 22시간 남았습니다. 놓치지 마세요!!

https://sambakza.postype.com/post/7481651 (for Korean audience)



Posted by SamBakZa - August 4th, 2020

Please spread the news. There are many fans out there. Let them know!!

  • title : There She Is!! another step
  • length : about 8 minutes
  • screening period : 2020-08-18 14:00 ~ 08-21 14:00 (GMT+9)
  • price : USD $1
  • place of sale : https://www.patreon.com/sambakza
  • sales period : 2020-08-18 15:00 ~ 08-21 14:00 (GMT+9)
  • A ticket buyer can watch it over and over again during the screening period.
  • We can't give you a refund for any reason, so please be careful when purchasing.
  • The screen page will disappear after 2 PM on August 21st. Please make sure to check the time remaining before purchasing.


Korean ---------------------------------------

시사회 티켓 판매 오픈했습니다. 소문내 주세요!!!

  • 작품 제목 : 떳다 그녀!! another step
  • 작품 길이 : 약 8분
  • 상영 기간 : 2020년 8월 18일 오후 2시 ~ 8월 21일 오후 2시
  • 티켓 가격 : 1,100원
  • 판매처 : https://sambakza.postype.com/post/7481651
  • 판매 기간 : 2020년 8월 4일 오후 3시 ~ 8월 21일 오후 2시
  • 티켓을 구입하신 분은 상영 기간 중 몇 번이라도 반복 감상하실 수 있습니다.
  • 디지털콘텐츠의 특성상 티켓을 구입하신 후에는 어떠한 이유로도 환불해드리지 못하니 구매시 유의해주세요.
  • 상영 종료 시간인 8월 21일 오후 2시가 지나면 상영페이지가 사라집니다. 구매 전 남은 시간을 꼭 확인해주세요.



Posted by SamBakZa - July 18th, 2020

It's been 12 years. I am so exited!!

I think this is my last animation about "There She Is!!"

Actually, I didn't intend to make this series again, but even after more than 10 years, I couldn't stay still when I saw the fans remember and cheer for "There She Is!!".

There will be many more opportunities to talk about Doki and Nabi, Jjitta-set, Hana and Pizza in a way other than animation.  

Anyway I hope you will be pleased with my small gift.  Please look forward to August 18th!!

▶ another step premiere

If you are not an Indiegogo campaign backer, you need to buy the ticket to see the premiere.

You can buy the ticket for $1 on SamBakZa's Patreon page - it will be launched August 2. I will report here.

I have a plan to release the "There She Is!! another step" on YouTube a year later. But it would have been a little different from this version. The same version of this premiere will be on DVD. 

Korean ---------------------------------------

12년만입니다. 정말 흥분되네요.

아마도 이것이 애니메이션으로서의 "떳다 그녀!!" 마지막 작품이 될 것 같습니다.

사실은 도키나비 다섯편을 마지막으로 더 만들 생각이 없었어요. 그런데, 10년이 넘었는데도 기억하고 응원해주시는 팬들을 보고 가만히 있을 수가 없었습니다. 이거 여러분이 만든겁니다. ^^

앞으로 도키와 나비, 찐따세트, 하나와 피짜에 대해서 또 이런 저런 이야기를 드릴 기회는 있겠습니다만, 애니메이션은 다른 작품으로 찾아뵙겠습니다. 부디 제 작은 선물이 마음에 드셨으면 좋겠습니다.

▶ another step 온라인 시사회

시사회는 이곳 뉴그라운즈에서 2020년 8월 18일 오후 2시부터 21일 오후 2시까지 진행됩니다.

인디고고 후원자가 아니시라면 삼박자의 Postype 에서 1,100원에 시사회 티켓을 구입하실 수 있습니다. 8월 초에 정식 오픈하고 공지할테니 그 때 구입하시면 됩니다.

"떳다 그녀 another step"은 시사회 종료 후 DVD에 수록되며, 일부 장면을 고쳐서 1년 후에 유튜브 공개를 계획하고 있습니다.

그럼, 다음 공지를 기다려주세요. 오래 기다려주고 응원해주신 분들 모두께 감사드립니다.



Posted by SamBakZa - June 26th, 2020

1. Crowdfunding in Korea is canceled

I focus on premiere event in August and preparing perks for Indiegogo backers.

2. Online premiere of "There She Is!! anothere step"

   - Where : Newgrounds.com

  - 2020-08-15 14:00 ~ 08-18 13:59 (GMT+9) : Indiegogo backers only

   - 2020-08-18 14:00 ~ 08-21 14:00 (GMT+9) : ticket buyer + Indiegogo backers

   - If you are not an Indiegogo backer, please wait next report. I'll show you how you can buy the ticket.



Posted by SamBakZa - May 31st, 2020




My goal is to successfully deliver the perks to all backers by December this year. ^^

1. Crowdfunding in Korea

  - platform : tumblbug ( https://tumblbug.com/ )

  - June 30 ~ July 20, 2020

  - Korean only but you will be able to see the trailer of "another step", enjoy!

2. Online premiere of "There She Is!! anothere step"

  - platform : Newgrounds ( https://www.newgrounds.com/ )

  - 2020-08-15 14:00 ~ 08-18 14:00 (GMT+9)

  - You may need to sign up for Newgrounds.com

3. Pre-order

  - I were going to hold an encore campaign for the fans who missed 2016 crowdfunding.

  - I have found that Korea is excluded from Indiegogo's list of countries that can launch campaigns.

  - Therefore, I cannot receive pre-orders. I'm sorry.

  - I will sell the rest of perks and some new goods after I ship all perks to backers. so please wait a little longer.

Thank you so much for all your support and patience.